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Interview With Groovy Lee

1. Please tell us a little about yourself. Do you have any hobbies?

I live in Nashville, TN with my daughter who’s also my sidekick. When I’m not writing, I love to listen to music; garden in the summer; and my favorite time of

the year is Tennis season where you’ll find me glued to the television set. I also crochet baby blankets and sell them online. Did I mention I’m addicted to bottled tea?

2. Do you write fiction or non-fiction? Why?

Life is too serious enough without adding my two cents. I write fiction because I love escaping to places I will never get a chance to in real life. Also, I have

a very vivid imagination with characters who are eager to tell their stories.

3. When did you first realize you wanted to be a writer?

 I realized I wanted to write seriously during my Harlequin/Silhouette phase in the 80’s. Those love stories written by popular authors like, Janet Dailey and Violet Winspear, always left me smiling from the inside out. I knew then that I wanted to write love stories that would send people on amazing journeys.

4. Where do you get your information or ideas for your books?

They come from various sources: ‘Cause She’s a Good Girl was partly inspired by my love for Prince. (I’m his biggest fan, you know); Colors In The Dark has a scene

that was inspired by the song, ‘I Shot The Sheriff’; and A Body Resurrected resulted from my sidekick encouraging me to write a suspenseful novel about

a mummy (it’s her favorite) Sometimes my ideas are sparked by something someone says.

5. Does writing energize or exhaust you?

Writing always energizes me. It gives me such a high to create plots and live in imaginary worlds with unbelievable characters.

What exhausts me is the constant revisions and editing!

6. What was your hardest scene to write?

The murder scenes in ‘Cause She’s a Good Girl. I try so hard to keep from having to write about a character’s death.
I don’t like it when one of them dies,

but sometimes it’s a necessary evil.

7. If you could tell your younger writing self anything, what would it be?
 Although writing is a joy, be prepared for the hard work that comes with it. Promoting yourself will be the hardest part that will take a lot of your time.

Please don’t start that first book until you’ve read every reference book on creative writing and proper grammar. Last but not least, not everyone is going

to like what you write, and that’s okay.

8. Do you enjoy reading books as much as you enjoy writing?

OMG. I devour books. But I have to say, I enjoy writing more.

9. What’s your favorite under-appreciated novel?

You’re not going to believe this, but all of the books I love to read are loved and appreciated by everyone, like Dr. Seuss, Good-Night, Moon, etc.

So, I’ll have to pick one of mine, and that is Under The Harvest Moon. It’s a simple love story that has yet to get the exposure I would hope for.

10. What do you think makes a good story?

 A plot that has your mouth opening and your eyes widening from that unexpected twist. A story that either brings a smile to your heart or a tear of sadness. And action; I love lots of action.

11. Where can readers find out more about you and your books?

Come meet me here:





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